A Teacher Mom's thoughts on Dealing with Internet Dangers

Dear Parents,

 I wanted to encourage you today.  Parenthood is hard.  It is seriously the hardest job there ever was and ever will be.  Every day, we as parents rally these little people to be their very best, to study hard and never give up.
We show them that Math is in everything, Reading takes you places and Science isn't just for boys!
We remind them that character is built, reputations can be lost and kindness counts (every day in every way)!

This week as news broke of a new and dangerous internet "craze" I became sad.   How are we supposed to battle THAT?  How do we protect them every minute of every day? How do we keep them from seeing and hearing things that are dangerous?
The world tells us we can't, but let me tell you something....

this mom certainly intends to try!

I will not be afraid for my child to be the only one of his peers without a social media account.  
I won't waiver on my rule that my kids are not allowed to watch internet videos unattended
I won't back down on video game limits and movie or TV ratings.  
I won't stop monitoring what they watch on television.  
I won't stop requiring other people to watch their language around my kids.
I won't stop saying no to that cell phone they have been begging for.
Why?  Because they are only little for a short time.  They are only innocent now.  They won't be under my wing forever....but they are here now, and if I can protect their little eyes and ears and minds and hearts right now...I will.

Tonight as we talk to our young kids about things they see or hear from the TV, internet or even their peers, let's not be afraid to set limits.  Let's not be afraid to talk to them like they are children. Let's not be afraid to say no.
 Let's bring as much innocence back into their lives as we possibly can because they are only little for now and we are their biggest influence.

 Your child's 3rd grade teacher
